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Thursday, May 21, 2009
♥ 8:08 AM

Thursday, 21st May 2009


So this morning, i woke up late, yet again. I meant to wake up at 9.30am to study but i got up at 11.30am with a horrible dream. I dreamt of TATA and i pray whatever i dreamt of him will not come true, choy, touch wood. I was going to leave my house when Jappy said came later because Sanam and her had to do "business". When i got to lakeside, Jappy said Hamzah's bike had a problem again so we cab-ed to her house and it was so much faster then our usual walk. Sanam and her ex was there, when her ex left, Hamzah and Ruben came over and bought for us lunch, chicken rice. We all ate with our hands except Hamzah, who didn't eat. Again, not much studying. At least i finished two questions for APM, now i need to do four more questions, ROAR. We went down after a while and the two of them came back. Sanam went for a ride with them and when they came back, the four of us went to Woodlands. Half way through the high way, Ruben's bike had a problem, freaked me out. We stopped over at the shoulder for a bit and went to top up some oil at Chua Chu Kang. I was already so late and i was praying Papa was not home yet. HAHA, half way, Hamzah and Jappy lost track of us, they exited wrongly so we went to the stadium to wait for them. After that, he sent me near my block and it was already 9.50pm. If Papa ever saw me on the bike, I'm a goner for sure!! WOOOOO, i held his waist!!! It was so comfortable.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
♥ 8:00 AM

Wednesday, 20th May 2009

Not much studying.

NOOOOOOOOOOO! Exam's are just around the corner and here i am procrastinating. I wake up every morning with a haunting feeling and it eats me up inside, literally. It ring's in my head that exam's are nearing and i have not really studied except for the occasional note taking but that really does not count. I hope and i pray that I'll scrape through a pass, at least. I absolutely do not want to re module, actually, i can't afford too. It sound's stupid failing for economics and advertising and promotional studies. I got up early this morning and studied just a little bit for media studies, honestly, not much went through. After that, i got myself ready and went to meet Jappy over at her place to "study". We ended up talking and "sleeping" mostly. I am not proud of myself procrastinating but we just can't help it. We went downstairs before her mother and sister came back. We tried studying there but i just could not really concentrate. Maybe because of two distractions. Why not stay at home right? I don't' like staying home. Too many distractions, TV and computer, NONO. I have been trying to be home before 9pm nowadays. I'm so proud of myself, i am actually making an effort. I don't want Papa to get mad at me or maybe i want to be exceptionally good so i get incentives, hehe. I really want to go ok, it's just i am a little tight on cash. Pull me out if you guy's want, sorry. HOORAH FOR ELIZE!! I am so proud of you babe. You're finally going to begin with school. Adrenaline pumping? This is just the beggining, you know you have to stay positive and go through shit once in a while. I'll be here no matter what, i love you soooooo much, YIPPIE!!! Another good new? Seems like Jappy and me were selected to be RJ's and the rest got selected to be commitee memeber's. WOOOOOO, that means we'll train and all. Bah, why do you have to be so annoying? Keep invading my head! It's a big distraction you know! But still, i adore you. Alrightyy goodnight, angel's are by your side. Be safe love.

Sunday, May 17, 2009
♥ 3:33 AM

Sunday, 17 May 2009


OH I WISH I HAD LOTSA MOOLAH!! I really want to shop till i drop. Clothes are just never enough for a girl/women. There's so many things i really want to get. I knew that tie dye would be the hottest new trend and whaddayaknow, it's in season, ROAR. Lots of BOLD COLOURS. I want, i want, i want. Anyone knows whether there will be any flea fairs in town? Tell me alright. My hair is healing!! I find that it's much straighter and healthier. New hairstyle perhaps?

Do you think it would match?

Exam's are just a week away and me being a very big procrastinator, have not really been studying. Only one question has been answered for APM. ECONOMICS is such a draggggg. I don't want to fail for it so i have to chin up and charge the mountain!! Nann's friends came over today. Some fairytale project they have to do and Bell is helping to write their script while the boys play their PSP's. Hmmm, Papa said something in passing while lecturing me for coming home late two days in a row, he said if i was going to do something, do it all the way. Papa think's i am smoking or something, WELL I'M NOT. I feel so explosive, suddenly, i don't know why. I'm like listening to stuff i dont normally listen to. Eyes set to kill is a really awesome band, so is underoath.

New school, new set of friends, does not mean i have forgotten. Everything seem's to have changed, i know. It's seem's awkward with certain people, the change, but i still get on perfectly fine with freinds i've know for more than 9 years and we're not even in the same school. What would i do without them, we can continue to talk to each other without feeling ackward or trying. With certain people it's hard, it's like within that period of time, we fall apart, then we try to talk, even though the name BFF ring's in our minds. We've got our own lives to live but love, don't forget me? I know i won't because you're such a big part of my life and don't for one second think you've been replaced. I'll try my best to make time and say you'll make time too? Don't get absent minded and forget the rest of them, you still ring in their minds as well. If you don't make the effort, you're to blame. The way you say stuff is as though i've got a whole new life and i have forgotten you. It's a different phase, yes, but you're a part of my past and who i've become.

He think's he's already got me. She think's i only like you because of the attention i get from you. Maybe, but why do i feel squirmish in a weird way? I want to hold you, kiss you, be with you but something's holding me back. It's great that you're not pushing me, that you've not tried to do anything with me. I am shocked. I know it's really slow. Hope you don't think i'm playing hard to get or something. It's just all weird for me. I was so comfortable with how i was, i was getting used to that feeling when suddenly, BAM, you came in the picture. Now you're always in my mind. It get's irritating when you just appear in them, in a good way. ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. Try being me.

Saturday, May 16, 2009
♥ 7:07 AM

Saturday, 16 May 2009


Yes, i know, i have not been blogging for a looooooong time. This is inexcusable but i was lazy. I still am lazy but i want to blog, huh, don't make sense right? Never mind, well anyways, I went to meet the guys, that is to say, Qi yun, David, Naka, Jacob, Zhi sian. They look different somehow. Like Naka looks very anjadi, Zhi sian looks smart-ish, Jacob looks very matt, David looks like the lead from the arctic monkeys, Qi yun, hmmmm, more malay-ish, as in the way he talks. So, i bought the films from David. WOOOOOOOOO, red-scale and elite chrome 200. I have never used them both before and David DIY-ed the red-scale himself. I hope they turn out good. OHH, the expired black and white film i used for Pulau Ubin and school turn out good, surprisingly. I love it so much and it was my first attempt. We went to see the redbull X fighter or riders later on. They were so cool. I brought Bell along. MRT-ed home.

Purely written from the heart;

Bianca Kallista Kimbel;
Mixed, Music & Bookxzxz
I like things you don't like.


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