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Tuesday, March 31, 2009
♥ 7:59 AM

Tuesday, 31st March 2009

First Hurdle Jumped.

I set the alarm for 9.30a.m and i woke up at 10.45a.m!! I was supposed to be in school by 11a.m to meet Jappy and Jassy for some last minute studying. I rushed and got to school by 1 plus? I tried to get stuff in my head but i just couldn't. I was praying that the marketing and selling concept, BCG approach and the macroenvironment would come out. Thankfully they did. The MCQ was quite a mess. I did not study for the MCQ's but i think i should do alright with it. I was one of the last pupils to leave class. Jassy lost her EZ-link card with $40 inside. This is the second time she lost something in school. After school went to KFC with Jappy, Sanam and Mona. Had the 2 piece meal and i am still hungry!! Bus-ed back home. The next hurdle will be this Thursday. The Communication Skills exam should be alright, i hope, because i haven't studied for it but for me it's basically common sense.

"What are those lines??", "Aiyah, she wants to follow the rest of them!". Grabs my hand, Counts line's, " Why did you do it?", " Nothing, Nothing." On the verge of tears.

Monday, March 23, 2009
♥ 7:36 AM

Sunday, 22nd March 2009


Got up at 12.30pm! Straight away took my shower. Patti made the usual breakfast, Tuna, Eggs and Baked beans. Made myself coffee. Tata toasted bread and spread the butter on the bread for me! He put a whole load of butter on the bread and made sure i ate 4 slices! so stuffed! The next door neighbour, peeped into our window and said that there are police cars and an ambulance downstairs. Patti, being a KAPOH, immediately went to look. Turns out, someone was murded or so i think. That's what Patti said after she went down. Damn crazy. Tata wanted to go to Holland to shave his beard and fix his glasses and i decided that i should follow him because honestly, i worry that he'll get lost or fall or something. Held Tata whenever there was stairs or some sort of threat. Tata kept wanting to rest because he said his knees were pain. After he shaved his beard, Tata wanted to get a drink. I asked him what him what he wanted and he said he wanted YAKULT! So i also bought Yakult. We sat and drank YAKULT together. HAHA, i'd never think TATA would drink YAKULT. So cute! Even though Patti and Tata always bicker, he puts her first. He wanted to buy Mee Goreng at Queenstown because he said that was Patti's favourite. I think it was a sham. $6 for that noodles and a piece of chicken leg!! Tata said nevermind. Also wanted to get Kambeng Soup for Patti. By the time we came back, it was too late for me to go to Serangoon. So had dinner and took a train back home. Finally! I'm home!
Called Patti and made sure she followed Tata to holland again tomorrow.

Sunday, March 22, 2009
♥ 11:46 PM

Saturday, 21st March 2009

Have you heard, have you heard?

Still staying over at Patti's house. It suddenly rained heavily out of no where! I think God was angry or something. It was so scary! Thunder and Lightning everywhere! I was flinching everytime the lightning striked or the thunder boomed. I looked outside the window and the tree's were swaying all over the place. Patti was so scared that she kept shouting at me to switch off the TV and close the door and switch off the fan! Listening to the sounds of the thunder was like listening to the universal pace. In a way, it was kind of peaceful. No one will understand how i feel. After that ordeal ended, i looked outside and guess what i saw? The sky was a beautiful pinkish colour. And as the sun slowly set, the colours were changing. So beautiful, i was taken away. I also saw a rainbow! Then i realized something. Remember the story of Noah's ark? When God flooded the earth? He put a rainbow at the end of it to show that he will never ever do something like that again? I think that's how it goes but the effects were very calming. I really wanted to go home today but Tata didn't want me to go so i stayed.

Can you see the rainbow? It's kind of faint but it's there.

Like Aurora's.

At the end of it all,

♥ 10:38 PM

Friday, 20th March 2009


I had no school today and Papa does not know. I left at the usual time and he gave me my money. I was thinking that since i have no school today, I'd go do my TOEFL's at the British Council. So i called Elize to tag along with me as she said she'd go with me earlier in the week. She said she was sleepy as she only slept at 8 in the morning and maybe we could go out in two weeks time. Hmphh, it's OK, i called Bella and she's babysitting her sister. I went online for awhile to see who can go out with me and i saw GRACE DAVID. I immediately asked her out and finally i have someone to tag along with me! I made it a point to reach MDIS on time, 2.20 Ok! Wait and wait for Grace and she did not arrive till 3.00pm by taxi! During the wait, met Kelly Ann and she told me some stuff. Girl's you should be ashamed of yourselfs! So late and you girls got to split groups. I also met Nurul and what's his name? They were telling me their plight as well. Grace and me took a bus to the British Council and i decided that i was too chicken to do the TOEFL's so we went to Tanglin Mall instead. We both bought corn dogs and is it that hard to find a stinking ATM?? Walked to Forum just to draw some cash and we wanted to go to Dempsy Road for some ice cream. We back all the way to Dempsy and got sorta lost because we could not find the Ben and Jerry's! We asked this guy and finally got directions to Ben and Jerry's. YEAH! Wah, i love that place! Decided on a Banana Split which we both shared. I love Grace, Even though we don't really meet up, We can catch up on each other. We can talk and talk without having an awkward air around us. So many things we do and talk about. I know it'll forever be that way. After that, we walked around, took pictures and it was time for grace to go back home. I decided to go visit Patti and Tata again. Met Bella and we talk and talk again. Stayed over at Patti's house.

Banana Split!

I look like a retard! Bianca, never eat ice cream before ahh!

Pure bliss on banana split!

oh, babe, so many thing's i've hidden from you. I wish it weren't this way. If only i could say but what will happen to those around me?

Thursday, March 19, 2009
♥ 8:11 AM

Thursday, 19th March 2009

Dynamic and Fire

I reached school early and way before Jappy! I was helluva nervous for the presentation. Kept practising for the slides. I kept jamming and forgetting what i was supposed to say. Told Mr. Jailani that Jia Yi and Nien Ting wanted to be their own group, he was kinda pissed, HAHA, called her the girl who makes noise in class. The class was laughing along and Mr. J said that our presentation was dynamic and had fire. Jasmine was the one that made it funny. I thought that i brought it down but i guess it went well. Most of them dressed formally for the presentation. The most formal dressed group was the the group that was very nervous and i felt that they didn't do that well. We went to celebrate at SUBWAY! Jassy was feeling rich because her mum handed her ATM card to Jassy so she said we'll cab there instead of our usual walk. She also wanted to see the cute guy. He is not cute! Only his ridiculously cute accent. The guys behind the counter kept nudging and smiling at each other. This time i tried Meatball Marinara and the guy asked me if it was OK because he said it was beef. Maybe because i am Indian but i have no preference for food, not really. Those who know me know that I'll eat the one's that that they put aside. That just makes me sound like a pig. I think I'm becoming fatter. The first thing that comes to my mind in the morning is that i need to exercise. Really! I even did crunches and now my tummy hurts every time i try to laugh. Also, i am eating too much. I feel like a man. Love food too much that i can't resist it! OMG, I REALLY SOUND LIKE A BIG FAT GLUTTON! Anyways, Jassy said she is going to say bye to the Subway guys, and she did! When i looked back they were laughing. We walked back to school. I shouted at this Indian boy riding a bicycle. Called him a "MAMA". Can't believe i did that. Spotted this cute guy playing soccer with kids but Jappy said he was not cute, Jassy and me thought otherwise. I dared Jassy to wave at him and she did! We quickly walked away after that. Bussed back home and there was this pervert. Thank God i sat behind him but still didn't stop him from being a pervert. The perv kept looking back at me and stretching his arms backwards. I was feeling scared and i used my book to shield myself whenever he stretched.

I'm a disappointment. I'm selfish. You hate your marriage. You say you are going to die soon. The next morning, you act as if nothing happened. No idea how much pain you caused us. Pray that you wouldn't do anything stupid. I love you no matter what but there is still that barrier that needs to be broken. But how?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
♥ 8:14 AM

WEDNESDAY, 18th March 2009

Sunny Day

I wore the top i bought yesterday and struggled with the brooch. Arrived late as usual. Sorry girls and Jassy didn't wear the top! The video interview sucked and we really need a video! Hope that Jappy's friends help her. The video will be the final touch for our presentation. Mr. Simon Yeo finished the last chapter for Marketing already! And I'm still stuck on the 2nd chapter. I really need to use the study break and STUDY! Something is definitely wrong with some people. Oh well. After school, went to visit Patti. I totally surprised her. I crept in behind her and stood there for like a minute before she actually realized that i was there, HAHA, she thought i was a spirit! Met Bella while buying paper for Patti. We talked alot, caught up on stuff. I told her to come up and see Patti. The three of us were talking about ghost and spirits. Friggin' scared myself LA! Trained back home. Something's going on with Papa, keeps saying stuff that even i don't want happening to him. Now he's gone nuts on alcohol. Saying a whole load a BS. I hate it when your drunk. STOP IT!!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
♥ 4:06 AM

Tuesday, 17th March 2009


It poured out of nowhere this morning! The weather was perfectly fine through out 3/4 of the bus journey. Just as the bus was along SMSS, It rained heavily! From inside the bus, i saw Jasprit standing in the rain, poor girl! I waited at the bus stop while she walked in the rain. She was soaking wet by the time she came by. We were thinking of how we were going to get to school when we saw Jie Shi with an umbrella! Jasprit ran to her and made her go back to the bus stop to get me. 3 girls under one puny umbrella! It was better than nothing. Jasprit's nose was giving her problems due to the rain. We decided to get some hot drinks. I got COFFEE! Class was pretty blah. As usual, we talked and laughed alot. Nien Ting hit me and coffee spilt on my book!

After class was done, we wanted to finish up our projects so we stayed in school for awhile. Seems like there was some differences about the work that was done. Jia Yi decided that she wanted to use the slides that she did and form a separate group from us. It's fine with our group members. But everybody seems to be doing stereotypes. We'll see how it fairs. I bought an Indian top that was selling in school for like $35 but i haggled for $10 lesser! YEAH! Jasmine bought a top too. That would be my second choice though. There was a fighting couple outside school. So interesting luh!

They wanted to go have Subway after we were done. We walked for like half an hour!? When we reached Subway, The cute guy was not working there so they decided to bolt and go to Cityhall! Less than 10 minutes and we were out of there. Bussed to Cityhall. I went to where David said he would be but he was not there. Called him and he said that they were already in SimLim because he said i wasn't there. Ok luh, i went there at 2.30? Sorry! I brisked walk back to Citylink and guessed who i saw?!? The winner of ANTM! She was from the cycle which the butch Kim was in. Went to Starbucks. Felt awkward, so we went to Burger King.

3 guys came and sat at the table behind us. Just as they were about to leave, i saw that they wrote something on the French Fries holder! I quickly alerted Jasmine and she took it. It said
" you're so cute. " He left his name and his number at the bottom. So cute la. Who would have thought about something like that? HAHA, we called the person and asked him which girl he was referring too and it turned out to be Jasprit! We also told them to come back to BK so we could give him an interview on our project. They came, we gave an interview and we ended up talking to them for quite awhile. The guy who asked Jass's number was a Eurasian by the name of Kegan. HA! Clearly obvious that Jass was only thinking of one person. The Darren guy didn't think that the interview was real but still gave it for free. Trained back home.
All this was luck i tell you! Because of the Black naped oriole that flew by from above me.

Beautiful, warm, golden goodness. Colours of a thousand dancing around. Comes 'Buria' out of nowhere, washing every trace of the warm, sunny sky. I love thee. Whoever's out there.

Monday, March 16, 2009
♥ 7:05 AM

MONDAY, 16th March 2009


Got ready early to meet Jasprit but she said it was raining very heavily so we met later in school to "supposedly" study but we ended up talking. Sorry Jazz that i didn't sit near you guys, I wanted to concentrate you know! The pervets were wearing high waisted shorts, i am surprised they didn't get caught. Nien Ting, Kelly Ann and I all smelt like Bodyshop, HA! Vanjill was nice and she said hi, what do you know, they talk! Whatever girl, get a grip. Mr. Simon Yeo is behaving as if it were Secondary school. Don't do this, Don't do that. He is a funny old man! I can't really listen in school. I know i am way behind the chapters now. Bianca stop slacking and pick up the pace! I have one more week of lessons, then, it's our study week and our exam week. Fast right! While i have study week, My other friends are having their holidays! NO FAIR! Straight after school, i bussed back in a very packed bus.

( i think that's it! )

I am going to start putting the dates at the top of the post cos' something's wrong with the blog.

Sunday, March 15, 2009
♥ 7:35 AM

Damn it has been fast,

So Friday, i had my test. Met Jasprit early in school so we could study. We didn't tell the rest of the girls because we know with them around, we will never get stuff in out head. The two of us really studied and had an information OVERLOAD! I blanked out during the test! But i managed to answer the questions. After the test, resumed to class again. So boring, i didn't even listen to Simon Yeo. Vanjill talked to me! Whatever, it was like one question but enough to make the other girls talk. Seriously! This is not primary school ladies! After school, went to the Bodyshop Fair at Suntec with Kelly-Ann and Cindianna and bought two bottles of perfume oil. I got hit on my eyebrow! I tell you it was crazy! Everybody was being squished! Went home in a very crowded train.

Met Isaac really late. I feel so bad because i told him that I'll be there at 4.30 but i went there at like 5?!! So anyways, We had sushi and ice cream. I had a good time. He paid for it all and refuse to let me pay. I wanted to go for Holi but i didn't go! Came back at 10 and Papa did not say anything! HAH!

I was a pig. Watched TV and read and slugged.

You're a psychopath, don't do this she screams, do it, it comes out all bloody. Look at that, she's alright. Look inside, she's a wrack. All torn, all wrong. Sorry that you had to know me like this.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
♥ 4:08 AM

gone by,

school has been whack. I need to sit down and study! Marketing is hard you know! and Simon Yeo is freakin' monotonous! Jasprit shouldn't see this, she'll get defensive.Before school, w
ent to the Salvation Army to salvage but there was nothing to salvage so we bought books, $2 only ok! We, that is to say, Jasmine and me, went to Subway. Had my very first Subway Meal. Hard to believe? That does not mean i'm primitive. After school, Jasprit and me went to Anchor Point to go have more Subway, Crazy right? tried something new. The guy in Subway was hot. Although his accent was preety thick. Kept smiling over at our table. Met marilyn and dinesh. then buss-ed back home. I studied until 1am OK!!! damn tired.

Thursday, March 5, 2009
♥ 7:25 AM

Feel F'ed up.

I feel shitty. I want to smile for real but i can't. It's all fake. I'm all a mess inside. Hurting a lot. My eyes feel like they're shrunken, the kind of feeling you get after you swim without goggles. School was : brainstorm on the assignment. We want to take videos but we need tattoo-ed and pierced people. I did not eat in school. I felt like fainting in the bus. My legs felt weak, felt like i was going to die. OK I'm exaggerating. But still i felt crappy. I am whining a lot. Maybe it's that time of the month again. Now that i am in MDIS, i think i am talking a lot like a friggin' twit. I'M SO NOT TWIT-ish. Goodnight. let the angels sing you to sleep.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
♥ 6:00 AM

Home sour home.

So you will never trust me. Think I'm screwing around. Well if I'm actually screwing around, I'd be pregnant with some stupid guy who'd say "that's not my baby". You want me to come home everyday after school and study to make sure your $5000 won't go to waste. So you won't care if i crack under pressure? One day papa, I'll erupt. Nothing i do is ever good enough. Some day, I'll do better than you in life. Then you'll tell me you're happy.

School was ok. I sat right in the front. Was hyper even though i felt like crying. So i understand Mr. Jailani's class better and i like his class. Makes me want to study different cultures. Marketing was absolutely boring. Moved to the back, couldn't risk Mr. Yeo asking me questions and i also wanted to eat. What do you know, didn't even concentrate in class. Kept talking and eating. I understand better if i read than the teacher teaching. So yeah, This group of people come in class ( their not from my class) keep talking and the Indian girl keeps staring at my table like some B*. Took a bus home.


The pain, diverts you to something else. I know why people do it now. Drastic but high. You see the life in you oozing out and you know, you know you're real. Pink parallel lines leave marks. Never thought I'd actually dare but the pain yesterday was unbearable and something needed to be done. She said that i look like i have the perfect family, close relationships with the family members and all. I told her it's just exterior. Everything is inside, safe and sound. It will come out eventually and it will cause pain to them. Cry and cry like there's no tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
♥ 5:47 AM

rain, rain go away.

I got stopped for wearing skirt today by the stupid security guard! So pissiffying! Waited for the Jass's to come and they sneaked me in through the front gate. What do you know? There are girls who are wearing shorts and skirts..After school, stayed back to "brainstorm" for our assignment. Timo and the deep voiced malay guy tagged along. We were laughing at friendster profiles in the library and Timo tried to sneak in his canned drink but failed because the guy caught him. Went to patti's house to eat breakfast at 1 something. Then went to meet David at citylink. Went to Brash Basah to get his stuff and came back to citylink to meet Qi yun. Walked around, had lunch, walked around, talked..Came home and tried to be cryptic about stuff.

what she said,

Paranoid you get at times. Hacking your brains for answers you know you'll never get if you ask. Oh those smiles! flinching, flinching. Another it may be, you, i want to devour. Look, i look away. You speak from a tongue i do not quite decipher all the more makes it a puzzle. The morning light and the evening light are not the same but both breath taking-ly beautiful.

Sunday, March 1, 2009
♥ 8:03 AM

Blah Blah

So this past week has gone by alright. By that i mean school was okay but i don't really understand the marketing stuff but i enjoy the communication skills class. Mr. Jailani is a bit "soft" (if you know what i mean ;) but he makes me want to listen to him and not daydream so that's good. I've made new friends and we get along just fine.

Purely written from the heart;

Bianca Kallista Kimbel;
Mixed, Music & Bookxzxz
I like things you don't like.


Music Playlist at MixPod.com



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